Error 50001: Unable to signup for Microsoft Developer Program
For the past one week or more, I have been trying to signup for the Microsoft Developer Program. I am able to get through all the pages but I get stuck on a page where it asks me to select the country code and enter the phone number. As soon as I do that, it throws me an error: Error 50001.
This is what it says:
We can't continue with the signup process right now due to an internal server error. Please try again later.
MS-CorrelationId: 00000000-bfe9-4f7e-a448-d642219afc42
Code: 50001
I see a few other posts who are facing the same issue and unfortunately, they do not have an answer on thier posts. I would appreciate it if someone can guide me in the right direction so that I can complete the signup process without issues.