Hi @GSH-1402,
Of course, please refer to the following steps:
Drive id:
Please use the following request to get the name and drive id of all the document libraries in the site and then filter by library name in your application. (Because the request does not support filter, so we can only query the drive id of all the document libraries.)
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{your site id}/drives?$select=id,name
This is the returned response, the id property is the drive id:
Use the following request to get information about the file. Note that the relative file path here starts with the folder containing the file and ends with the file name, or directly with the file name if there is no folder.
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{site id}/drives/{drive id}/root:/{relative file path}
Not sure what Document_path is referring to, but there are webUrl and path properties in the response. If you need to know the details of the returned result, please refer to drive Item resource type.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Moreover, if the issue can be fixed successfully, please click "Accept Answer" so that we can better archive the case and the other community members who are suffering the same issue can benefit from it.
Your kind contribution is much appreciated.