Issue with Change Tracking and Inventory
I think I have found a bug in Azure Arc for Change Tracking and Inventory
When you view Windows Services (for example) of an Arc-enabled machine the services are all displayed as expected
However, when you try to drill into that service to view all machines where that service is you are returned with an empty result set.
After troubleshooting, I have captured the KQL sent by the browser to return the result set and have worked out what is going on.
The query does a JOIN on the ConfigurationData and Heartbeat tables ON the Computer field
The issue arises because ConfigurationData stores the machine name as onboarded into Arc. Heartbeat contains the FQDN of the computer. So if the machine is onboarded using only the hostname (as per default Azure Arc onboarding behaviour mentioned in point 4 in the below article) then you will see this issue
If the query used _ResourceId instead then this would not be an issue
I have a support call raised but I wanted to raise it here as well for visibility of the issue.
I don't want to have to onboard all of our devices again using the FQDN as that is just madness through bad coding. I am trying to present Arc to the business and this is a key feature we need for audit and investigations.
Feel free to reach out if you need specifics