Hello Michal Pipal
Since Logic Apps Standard Reader (Preview) already includes Microsoft.Web/sites/config/appsettings/read, but you're still unable to access the logging step, it might not be a missing permission issue but rather how log access is handled in your environment.
You might need additional permissions like:
- Microsoft.Insights/logProfiles/read – This allows access to log profiles.
- Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/query/read – This grants permission to query Log Analytics workspaces.
If your logs are being sent to Azure Monitor Log Analytics, you might need explicit access to the Log Analytics workspace itself. You can refer to this Microsoft document for details on managing Log Analytics workspace permissions: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/logs/manage-access?tabs=portal
Could you check if you have the necessary permissions there? That might resolve the issue.