Hi @Larry Bellou ,
I'm glad to have your feedback. It may sound strange, but I'm really happy for you to hear that the problem has been solved.
By the way, since the Microsoft Q&A community has a policy that "The question author cannot accept their own answer. They can only accept answers by others.". and according to the scenario introduced here: Answering your own questions on Microsoft Q&A, I would make a brief summary of this thread:
[Microsoft Graph Sharepoint: unable to get the folder list I expect. The breadcrumb also does not return correct folders in gui.]
Issue Symptom:
Trying to use Microsoft Graph Explorer to be able to get the ids needed for folder Purchasing Shared and id for Purchasing Shared/POs
But when i run graph explorer for Purchasing Dept I get back different folders (Purchasing Shared is not one of them. The folders in graph explorer OR for the bread crumb above (Document > Purchasing Dept returns following folders
What am I doing wrong. Graph explorer like..
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{mysiteid}/drives/{mydriveid}/items/{purchasing dept-itemid}/children
Current status:
I found a solution finally,
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{siteid}/drives/{driveid}/root/search(q='Purchasing Shared')
This showed the PO folder in the results which is the id I needed. Still not sure why the folder Purchasing Shared does not show up and if you click "Breadcrumb" on first screen shot it takes you to second screen shot without Purchasing Shared again. Seems there is a weird set up issue of folders in SharePoint.
You could click the "Accept Answer" button for this summary to close this thread, and this can make it easier for other community members to see the useful information when reading this thread. Thanks for your understanding!