Hi @Vijender Singh ,
Thanks for the question and using MS Q&A platform.
The subscription is not allowed to create or update the server farm” it means that you cannot create or modify an App Service Plan in your Azure subscription.
Verify that you Pay-As-You-Go subscription does not contain a spending cap that prevents creating resources.
Find out if yours is a trial or student subscription type as these often come with a service cap.
Confirm that the S1 SKU is supported in Central India and remember that some regions have restrictions and or limited SKUs available for selection.
Go to the Azure Portal: Subscriptions > [Your Subscription] > Resource Providers
Look for Microsoft.Web.
Select it and click on Register if it’s not already registered.
Use Azure CLI or PowerShell to register it as well.
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Web
Azure Policy and Management Group Restrictions:
Check if there are any Azure Policies or Management Group settings that could block you from creating App Service Plans.
Review resources in Azure Policy in the portal and evaluate any policies that could impact resource provisioning.
Quota Limitations: Check if your subscription has reached its quota limit in App Service Plans within Central India region.
To view your current usage and limits, navigate through Subscriptions > [Your Subscription] > Usage + quotas in the Azure Portal.
Attempt to create the App Service Plan using Azure CLI to rule out portal-specific issues,
az appservice plan create --name MyAppServicePlan --resource-group MyResourceGroup --sku S1 --location "Central India"
Let mi know if you have any further assistance.
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