Hi @Guy Russell
Microsoft sent an alert email to all the customers who registered for Microsoft.SQL.
you can open Azure portal -> Subscriptions -> Resource Providers, and search for "Microsoft.Sql", if this is registered, you will receive the notification. If there is no SQL resource created in the subscription, you can ignore the notification email or unregister the resource provider to avoid confusion.
Until 31 October 2025, you can continue to use Microsoft.SQL 2014-04-01 APIs, templates, SDKs, and programs without impact. You can transition to a newer stable version of Microsoft.SQL APIs any time before 31 October 2025 There is a separate thread created for this question where in queries are addressed together.
Here is the reference link Azure SQL Database REST API 2014-04-01 Retirement Notice https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/1073330/retirement-notice-azure-sql-database-2014-04-01-ap
Let us know if you have any further questions.
Thank You!