Issue: Our application is built somewhat similiarly to a common web browsers, meaning that different user controls are grouped to Tabs, which can be created, switched between and closed. To do this we have created custom ClosableTab Item TabControl. It generally works pretty well but every so often the selection of a tab misfires. The selectedIndex property always stays correctly the same but when you interact with any UI in the tab it jumps to some specific Tab seemingly chosen at random. It always jumps to this same tab until user creates new tab and deletes it (somehow resetting the selection process ?!).
Context: We are dealing with this issue for a good part of a 3+ years not beeing able to solve it. The app is written in WPF and C# currently targeting .NET Framework 4.7.2. We don´t really follow MVVM pattern of programming, though we try to keep bussines logic / data structeres / ui separate just not in any standard way.
Code: The main TabControl is located at MainWindow.xaml of the app:
<Window ...
<TabControl x:Name="tcMain" Margin="10,10,10.286,9.714" SelectionChanged="tcMain_SelectionChanged">
Coresponding code-behind to manipulate TabControl / TabItems MainWindow.xaml.cs:
public void AddItem(Item page)
if (!page.ErrorClose)
tcMain.Items.Insert(tcMain.Items.Count - 1, page.TabPage);
tcMain.SelectedItem = page.TabPage;
public TabItem GetActual()
return tcMain.SelectedItem as TabItem;
public void SetActual(TabItem item)
tcMain.SelectedItem = item;
private void tcMain_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
//ak je len jedna zalozka, nerob nic
if (tcMain.Items.Count <= 1)
//ak je aktivna posledna treba zmenit
if (tcMain.SelectedIndex == (tcMain.Items.Count - 1))
tcMain.SelectedIndex = tcMain.Items.Count - 2;
//prejdi zalozky a oznac, ktora je aktivna
foreach (TabItem tab in tcMain.Items)
if (tab.Content is Item)
Item itemTab = tab.Content as Item;
itemTab.Active = tcMain.SelectedContent == itemTab;
The custom TabItem is in Item.cs using ClosableTab.cs:
public class Item : UserControl, INotifyPropertyChanged
private ClosableTab page = null;
public DeviceList devices;
public DispatcherTimer dispatcherTimer;
public int Communication = 0;
public bool Run { get; set; } = false;
public bool Active { get; set; } = true;
public bool ErrorClose { get; set; } = true;
public Item(string name, bool isFile = false)
//vytvor stranku
page = new ClosableTab();
page.CloseTab += CloseTab;
page.DataContext = this;
devices = new DeviceList();
if (isFile)
file = name;
file = name;
Title = name;
dispatcherTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
dispatcherTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(dispatcherTimer_Tick);
dispatcherTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 500);
and finally some UI that uses this ClosableTab.cs:
public class ClosableTab : TabItem
// Constructor
public ClosableTab()
// Create an instance of the usercontrol
CloseableHeader closableTabHeader = new CloseableHeader();
// Assign the usercontrol to the tab header
this.Header = closableTabHeader;
// Attach to the CloseableHeader events
// (Mouse Enter/Leave, Button Click, and Label resize)
closableTabHeader.button_close.MouseEnter +=
new MouseEventHandler(button_close_MouseEnter);
closableTabHeader.button_close.MouseLeave +=
new MouseEventHandler(button_close_MouseLeave);
closableTabHeader.button_close.Click +=
new RoutedEventHandler(button_close_Click);
// Property - Set the Title of the Tab
// Override OnSelected - Show the Close Button
// Override OnUnSelected - Hide the Close Button
// Override OnMouseEnter - Show the Close Button
// Override OnMouseLeave - Hide the Close Button (If it is NOT selected)
// Button MouseEnter - When the mouse is over the button - change color to Red
// Button MouseLeave - When mouse is no longer over button - change color back to black
// Button Close Click - Remove the Tab - (or raise
// an event indicating a "CloseTab" event has occurred)
Do you have any Idea what could be causing this. We already tried to check if some event is not bubbling up the chain of UI, to forcefully set the selectedItem and so on but no luck.