Hi, so the problem is the following: We found a way to solve the problem: using the getFreeEntitlement() from appinstallmanager. But now, when we try to use the method StartProductInstallAsync(productid) it don’t work in release, only when debugging through visual studio. When we run the method from an msix, we get an out of index error. ( Just to remember, the methods are running through a service, not from an application)
How to implement the download of free DLC without using UI thread
Rhuan Inocêncio
Reputation points
Hi, In a store app, is it possible to implemente do download of DLC without the need of the UI thread? I ve tried with storecontext but seems not possible. Also, is it possible to start the download of free DLC without the action of purchasing it? In my tests, I seem to be unable to download the DlC using the DownloadAndInstallStorePaxkagesAsynx() if I don’t “buy” it before, using the RequestPurchaseAsync()