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1. Verify the JSON structure
Ensure the Category field exists in the JSON payload (ResultDescription) and is properly formatted. If it’s missing or malformed, the parse_json function will not populate it. For example:
{ "Timestamp": "2025-01-26T12:00:00Z", "Category": "App.Service", "LogLevel": "Info", "Message": "Sample log message" } Use the following to inspect the parsed JSON: source | where ResultDescription startswith "{" and ResultDescription endswith "}" | project Json = parse_json(ResultDescription) | extend CategoryCheck = Json.Category
Confirm that CategoryCheck contains valid values.
2. Check for Data Type Compatibility
Use tostring(Json.Category) in your extend clause. If the field isn't a string or if there's a type mismatch, it will result in an empty value.
Example modification:
extend Category = tostring(Json.Category)
3. Validate Column Overrides
Ensure the project-away clause is not inadvertently removing or hiding the Category column. Modify the query to inspect intermediate steps:
source | where ResultDescription startswith "{" and ResultDescription endswith "}" | project Json = parse_json(ResultDescription) | extend TimeGenerated = todatetime(Json.Timestamp), Host = strcat(split(Json.Category, ".")[0], ".", split(Json.Category, ".")[1]), Level = tostring(Json.LogLevel), Category = tostring(Json.Category), ResultDescription = tostring(Json.Message)
Validate that the Category column is populated before using project-away.
4. Debugging Common Issues
- Empty or Null Values: Add a default value to handle missing categories:
extend Category = iff(isnull(tostring(Json.Category)), "Unknown", tostring(Json.Category))
- Check for Reserved Words: Ensure Category is not treated as a reserved word or system column in the destination table. If it is, rename it during transformation:
extend CustomCategory = tostring(Json.Category)
5. Finalize Query
After verifying all intermediate steps, your query should look like this:
source | where ResultDescription startswith "{" and ResultDescription endswith "}" | project Json = parse_json(ResultDescription) | extend TimeGenerated = todatetime(Json.Timestamp), Host = strcat(split(Json.Category, ".")[0], ".", split(Json.Category, ".")[1]), Level = tostring(Json.LogLevel), Category = iff(isnull(tostring(Json.Category)), "Unknown", tostring(Json.Category)), ResultDescription = tostring(Json.Message) | project-away Json
6. Testing and Validation
- Run the query and confirm that the Category column is correctly populated.
- If the AppServiceConsoleLogs table still does not reflect the value, verify any ingestion or schema enforcement rules applied in the Log Analytics Workspace.
If the problem persists, check for workspace-specific restrictions or configurations affecting the Category column.
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