How to update the DNS records on Azure RHEL VM?
Hi All,
We have some RHEL 7.9, SUSE sles 15 and Windows 2016 servers in our environment where we recently changed the DNS servers in Azure vnet. After DNS change Windows servers get update automatically.
Linux servers don't get the update. I found this Following this I ran "sudo netconfig update" and "sudo systemctl restart wicked.service". It change the records in SUSE servers.
But RHEL servers is not getting the updates after running "sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager". I see the old DNS only /etc/resolv.conf. Then I checked /run/NetworkManager/resolv.conf it's having the correct DNS. And I ran "nmcli dev show" it's also having the correct ones.
Should I need to link /run/NetworkManger/resolv.conf and /etc/resolv.conf or should I leave them as it is?