Logic apps & integration account - MapNotReady: The map is still being processed
We have two integration accounts in the same resource group (common) used by logic apps in QA and Production resource groups. Now, when we add a new map to the QA and production integration accounts and run a logic app in both environments, QA works fine but production gives the "MapNotReady" error. If we switch the production logic app to use the QA integration account, it works as expected. The integration accounts are identical except for the SKU, QA is Free when production is using Basic.
We have waited after deploying the maps for the production account to refresh but it's been days now. What can we do, is there a way force the integration account refresh and check the map status?
This error seems to affect new maps that we add (through devops or portal) but existing (older) maps are working fine.
How can we diagnose what is wrong?