Unable to download CloudBuilder.vhdx using AzureStackDownloader.exe from https://aka.ms/azurestackdevkitdownloader
I am trying to deploy Azure Stack Hub Development Kit 2306 for some POC as instructed here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure-stack/asdk/asdk-download?view=azs-2306. However I keep getting the following error when trying to run the ASDK downloader to download the CloudBuilder.vhdx file from https://aka.ms/azurestackdevkitdownloader
I checked my internet connectivity and was able to browse the internet. I even attempted to run the downloader from an Azure VM situated in a different region from my country and still got the same error. Did anyone else also observe the same error?
Azure Stack Hub
Akshay kumar Mandha • 2,665 Reputation points • Microsoft External Staff
2025-01-20T20:41:49.86+00:00 Hi Toh Hanwei,
Welcome to the Microsoft Q&A Platform! Thank you for reaching out with your question.
Based on your query, I understand that you're facing an issue with the ASDK downloader. Could you kindly confirm.? if all the prerequisites, including hardware requirements, have been met on your local machine before starting the download?
If you have already checked that thing means, please let me know, and I will investigate further and provide an update -
Toh Hanwei • 25 Reputation points
2025-01-21T02:30:23.56+00:00 Hi Akshay,
Thank you for helping to check. I ran the pre-requisites check powershell script and it looks fine
I also do have Dot NET framework 4.8.1 installed so I am unsure why is it not downloading the CloudBuilder.vhdx file.
Toh Hanwei • 25 Reputation points
2025-01-21T15:10:31.1133333+00:00 Hi @Akshay kumar Mandha did you manage to find anything on your end or were you able to download the vhdx file using the downloader?
Akshay kumar Mandha • 2,665 Reputation points • Microsoft External Staff
2025-01-21T17:40:11.39+00:00 Hi Toh Hanwei,
Thanks for replying back to me
As you mentioned all pre-requisites met in previous comment, I'm looking into it, and will get back to you soon.! -
Toh Hanwei • 25 Reputation points
2025-01-22T02:54:12.91+00:00 Hi @Akshay kumar Mandha thank you and hope to hear from you soon
Prrudram-MSFT • 27,961 Reputation points
2025-01-24T18:27:24.19+00:00 Hello @Toh Hanwei
Thank you for reporting this issue and for your patience. I worked with @Akshay kumar Mandha, we were able to reproduce the issue you are facing. I am evaluating this behaviour with our product team. I will get back shortly with more details.
Arshad Ahmad • 15 Reputation points
2025-01-29T19:32:29.6033333+00:00 Hi @Prrudram-MSFT @Akshay kumar Mandha
I am also facing the same issue, please let me know if there is any update regarding this issue. -
Prrudram-MSFT • 27,961 Reputation points
2025-01-30T05:56:01.1166667+00:00 Hello @Toh Hanwei Arshad Ahmad
I have discussed this with our product team. This is an ASDK related item, and our team have already deprecated the ASDK starting with 2311 - ASDK Release Notes - Azure Stack Development Kit (ASDK) | Microsoft Learn.
They will be updating the documents and removing the ASDK mentions, but it'll take some time.
What is your use case here? I would pass on the feedback to our product team. -
Arshad Ahmad • 15 Reputation points
2025-01-30T10:56:39.5566667+00:00 Hi @Prrudram-MSFT
Thank you for the swift reply.We are referring: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure-stack/asdk/asdk-download?view=azs-2311.
The issue here is we are unable to Extract the ASDK.
It says in step 1:
After the download completes, click Run to launch the ASDK self-extractor (AzureStackDevelopmentKit.exe).
On Clicking Run we get the following error.
Please do guide if there are other steps to perform.
Summary : Unable to Run latest AzureStackDevelopmentKit.exe downloaded from given download link : https://aka.ms/azurestackdevkitdownloader, Please find above error message.
Prrudram-MSFT • 27,961 Reputation points
2025-01-30T11:06:57.5266667+00:00 Hi @Toh Hanwei You won't be able to use this tool any more as per the mentions in the release notes ASDK Release Notes - Azure Stack Development Kit (ASDK) | Microsoft Learn.
Can you confirm if this is for operational, testing or training purpose or any other use cases?
Toh Hanwei • 25 Reputation points
2025-01-30T11:51:51.4366667+00:00 Hi @Prrudram-MSFT ,
I am trying POC a Azure Stack Hub with internet access so that I can download Ubuntu updates for AKS Engine Azure Stack Hub https://github.com/Azure/aks-engine-azurestack . My live system has no internet access so I need to test out if it is possible to pull updates using ASDK and transfer it to my airgapped Azure Stack Hub. -
Toh Hanwei • 25 Reputation points
2025-01-30T11:52:52.8233333+00:00 It would be extremely helpful to provide a link to CloudBuilder.vhdx Azure Stack Hub 2306 despite it being deprecated for us to POC this feature. Thank you.
Arshad Ahmad • 15 Reputation points
2025-01-30T13:55:29.9466667+00:00 @Prrudram-MSFT
I am preparing POC for a new client who is interested in Azure Local and Azure Stack Hub. -
Jason M. Endris • 10 Reputation points
2025-01-30T13:59:19.25+00:00 @Prrudram-MSFT I am teaching a class where we were going to use ASDK. Material has already been created and will be a heavy lift to pivot to Azure Local at this point, so would love to use ASDK.
Prrudram-MSFT • 27,961 Reputation points
2025-02-04T19:17:21.7333333+00:00 @Toh Hanwei Jason M. Endris
CloudBuilder.vhdx isn't available anymore as per release notes. The documents are being updated. I have engaged with the Product Group and they confirmed it -
Tibi • 1 Reputation point • Microsoft Employee
2025-02-05T00:21:23.18+00:00 hi @Toh Hanwei - as mentioned in the https://learn.microsoft.com/azure-stack/asdk/asdk-release-notes , we are not releasing new versions of the ASDK. IF you have a use case where this is needed (even if so old), please reach out to me and we can sort things out - or please add the info here to learn more about your use case.
Arshad Ahmad • 15 Reputation points
2025-02-05T11:48:26.9833333+00:00 @Tibi Hi Tibi, We want to run our workloads on a AKS clusters on Azure local and Azure Stack Hub. Could you please help us deploy Azure Stack hub as a POC by providing us the ASDK.
@Prrudram-MSFT Hi Prrudram, eagerly waiting for a reply from you regarding my last post.
As you informed us in your previous post :
"I have discussed this with our product team. This is an ASDK related item, and our team have already deprecated the ASDK starting with 2311 - ASDK Release Notes - Azure Stack Development Kit (ASDK) | Microsoft Learn.
They will be updating the documents and removing the ASDK mentions, but it'll take some time. What is your use case here? I would pass on the feedback to our product team."
Our use case here is to run our workloads on AKS clusters on Azure local and Azure Stack Hub.
My question is as ASDK or the CloudBuilder.vhdx is not available, the documentation is also not updated; how do we use the product Azure Stack hub?
Please do guide us to the product and the documentation to be used to deploy Azure Stack hub.
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