Hi Larissa,
These are HTTP concepts that you can find with a web search which will give you sites like https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_httpmethods.asp but typically the restriction aligns with what you noticed. A GET request is limited to whatever length of URL you have available while POST allows you a huge payload, not limited to just the URL string length. Therefore, in a GET request can only provide a limited amount of detail while a POST request can provide far more context and return better, more informed and comprehensive, responses.
You can just always do a POST request if you know all of the parameters and not do the GET request if you are looking to do only one call. You can see the example POST call for a single route here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/maps/route/post-directions?view=rest-maps-2023-10-01-preview&tabs=HTTP#examples