Hi @Helan Nivas
Thank you for reaching Microsoft Q&A Forum!
If I understand correctly, you are looking for a way to get the list of unused managed identity via azure cli.
You may not achieve this via azure CLI. however, you can get the unused managed identity via PowerShell.
The below script helps you to get the lists of managed identity in a CSV file
az login --tenant TENANT_UUID
# Initialize an empty list to store names
$nameList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
# Get the list of resource groups
$resourceGroups = az group list --query "[].{name:name}" -o tsv
foreach ($resourceGroup in $resourceGroups) {
Write-Output "Checking resource group: $resourceGroup"
# List all user-assigned managed identities in the current resource group
$identities = az identity list --resource-group $resourceGroup --query "[].{name:name, principalId:principalId}" | ConvertFrom-Json
# Loop through each identity and check if it is used
foreach ($identity in $identities) {
$name = $identity.name
$principalId = $identity.principalId
# Check if the principalId is associated with any resources
$usage = az role assignment list --assignee $principalId --query "[].{role:roleDefinitionName, scope:scope}" | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($usage.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Output "Unused managed identity: $name"
# Add the unused managed identity name to the list
# Export the list to a CSV file
$nameList | Export-Csv -Path "C:\path\to\your\list.csv" -NoTypeInformation
Hope this helps. Do let us know if you any further queries by responding in the comments section.
Akhilesh V.
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