Hi @Andrea Oh,
Thanks for reaching out to us. We are very pleased to support you.
We can use SharePoint JSON formatting to display yyyyMMdd-ID
Here are the exact steps:
- First create a Text column.
- Right-click the column name > Column settings >Format this column > Advanced Mode.
- Paste the following JSON and save.
{ "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/sp/v2/column-formatting.schema.json", "elmType": "div", "txtContent": "=toString(getYear([$Created])) + if((getMonth([$Created]) + 1) < 10, '0' + toString(getMonth([$Created]) + 1), toString(getMonth([$Created]) + 1)) + if(getDate([$Created]) < 10, '0' + toString(getDate([$Created])), toString(getDate([$Created]))) + '-' + padStart([$ID], 3, '0')" }
- Here is my test result:
Please note that SharePoint JSON formatting simply displays the content by adding a div element to the page, there is no real value stored in the column. If you need the column to be used in places like Power Automate, the value of the column will be empty.
If you still need the columns to hold real values, then Power Automate would be the best choice.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Moreover, if the issue can be fixed successfully, please click "Accept Answer" so that we can better archive the case and the other community members who are suffering the same issue can benefit from it.
Your kind contribution is much appreciated.