As I commented to your other question, you would need 3rd party software in order to make your phone "look like" a drive and be accessible from a command prompt in order to use robocopy.
I connected my Android phone to my laptop via a USB cable and used the Windows Explorer to copy the files to my C: drive. (Using MTP transfer.)
I see that the Created time is set to the TOD when I did the copy, but Modified time is still set to when the photo was taken.
Is that what you see?
Is it just the Created time that you wish to preserve?
If you just want to have the Created time match the Modified time, you can run this Powershell script to update it.
Copy and paste it into Powershell_ISE and run it against a test folder that has a small number of photos in it.
$Folder = "C:\temp\test" # put your folder name here
"Current timestamps"
Get-ChildItem $Folder -Filter *.jpg | ft -Property Name, CreationTime, LastWriteTime
Get-ChildItem $Folder -Filter *.jpg | foreach {
$_.CreationTime = $_.LastWriteTime # set the timestamps to match
"New timestamps"
Get-ChildItem $Folder -Filter *.jpg | ft -Property Name, CreationTime, LastWriteTime
It should look like this.