It is probably updating billions of rows in a single set operation rather than the function itself. Often you can improve performance but updating subsets of rows in a driver loop. This allows the update to be done in memory. But as an update is a delete and insert with logging, it will not be quick.
Strip non numeric characters from string
Reputation points
Hi there, Happy New Year!
I'm creating a new table (billions of records). I need to strip non numeric values from a column.
Input '.I82807- R%'
Output 82807
i created a function based on online however ITS SLOOOOOWWWWWW....
Wanted to check if there is any faster way to extract only numbers - row level operation.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[StripNonNumerics]
@Temp varchar(255)
RETURNS varchar(255)
Declare @KeepValues as varchar(50)
Set @KeepValues = '%[^0-9]%'
While PatIndex(@KeepValues, @Temp) > 0
Set @Temp = Stuff(@Temp, PatIndex(@KeepValues, @Temp), 1, '')
Return @Temp
3 answers
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Viorel 119.4K Reputation points
2025-01-03T17:35:00.8766667+00:00 Check if the next combination of functions is also too slow:
declare @sampleTable table ( input varchar(max)) insert @sampleTable values ( '.I82807- R%' ), ( 'another test 123 456.' ), ( 'abc'), ( '1234567890') select input, replace( translate( input, t.s, replicate( '*', len( t.s))), '*', '') as [output] from @sampleTable cross apply ( values ( replace( translate( input, '0123456789', '**********'), '*', ''))) t(s)
Erland Sommarskog 116.2K Reputation points MVP
2025-01-03T22:16:59.53+00:00 Here is another solution, using Viorel's test data. I'm forcing a binary collation to speed things up a little bit.
declare @sampleTable table ( input varchar(max)) insert @sampleTable values ( '.I82807- R%' ), ( 'another test 123 456.' ), ( 'abc'), ( '1234567890') ; WITH nospace AS ( SELECT nospace = replace(input COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2, ' ', '') FROM @sampleTable ), stripfirst AS ( SELECT nospace, stripfirst = reverse(substring(nospace, patindex('%[0-9]%', nospace), len(nospace))) FROM nospace ) SELECT nospace, stripfirst, reverse(substring(stripfirst, patindex('%[0-9]%', stripfirst), len(stripfirst))) FROM stripfirst