The question would probably benefit from adding an appropriate Exchange tag.
It would seem to me that you'd only need the recipient filter to include the test for "RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'UserMailbox'". But my experience with Exchange has been exclusively with on-prem organizations, not with O365.
If it's any help, I think these are the sets of values for RecipientType and RecipientTypeDetails. Although you included "RecipientTypeDetailsValue" in your example, I'm not sure what those are!
# RecipientType
# UserMailbox: A standard mailbox for an individual user.
# SharedMailbox: A mailbox that multiple users can access and send emails from.
# RoomMailbox: A mailbox assigned to a meeting location, such as a conference room.
# EquipmentMailbox: A mailbox assigned to a piece of equipment, like a projector.
# MailContact: A mail-enabled contact that contains information about people or organizations outside your Exchange organization.
# MailUser: A mail-enabled user that has an external email address.
# MailUniversalDistributionGroup: A mail-enabled distribution group.
# MailUniversalSecurityGroup: A mail-enabled security group.
# DynamicDistributionGroup: A distribution group with membership based on specific criteria.
# RemoteUserMailbox: A mailbox for a user that is hosted in a different Exchange organization.
# RemoteRoomMailbox: A room mailbox that is hosted in a different Exchange organization.
# RemoteEquipmentMailbox: An equipment mailbox that is hosted in a different Exchange organization.
# RemoteSharedMailbox: A shared mailbox that is hosted in a different Exchange organization.
# LinkedMailbox: A mailbox that is associated with an account in a different forest.
# LegacyMailbox: A mailbox that is hosted on an older version of Exchange.
# PublicFolder: A mail-enabled public folder.
# PublicFolderMailbox: A mailbox that hosts public folders.
# MailboxPlan: A template for creating mailboxes with specific settings.
# DiscoveryMailbox: A mailbox used for eDiscovery purposes.
# ArbitrationMailbox: A mailbox used for managing approval workflows.
# AuditLogMailbox: A mailbox used for storing audit logs.
# ArchiveMailbox: A mailbox used for archiving emails.
# RecipientTypeDetails
# UserMailbox: 1
# LinkedMailbox: 2
# SharedMailbox: 4
# LegacyMailbox: 8
# RoomMailbox: 16
# EquipmentMailbox: 32
# MailContact: 64
# MailUser: 128
# MailUniversalDistributionGroup: 256
# MailNonUniversalGroup: 512
# DynamicDistributionGroup: 1024
# PublicFolder: 2048
# SystemAttendantMailbox: 4096
# SystemMailbox: 8192
# MailForestContact: 16384
# MailForestUser: 32768
# RemoteUserMailbox: 2147483648
# RemoteRoomMailbox: 8589934592
# RemoteEquipmentMailbox: 17179869184
# RemoteSharedMailbox: 34359738368
# PublicFolderMailbox: 68719476736
# ArbitrationMailbox: 137438953472
# MailboxPlan: 274877906944
# AuditLogMailbox: 549755813888
# RemoteTeamMailbox: 1099511627776
# TeamMailbox: 2199023255552
# SharedMailbox: 4398046511104
# GroupMailbox: 8796093022208
# DiscoveryMailbox: 17592186044416
# GuestMailUser: 35184372088832
# RemoteGroupMailbox: 70368744177664