Hello, @Athique Nihal,
Welcome to the Microsoft Q&A platform!
In order to block a specific URL in IIS, it is recommended for you to accomplish it by using the URL Rewrite module.
If you haven’t already installed the URL Rewrite Module, you need to download and install it. You can find it on the Microsoft website. Then open IIS Manager, select your site, and double-click on "URL Rewrite." Add a new rule by selecting "Request Blocking," then configure the rule by setting the URL to the path you want to block (e.g., /owa/auth/logon.aspx). Choose "Abort Request" or "Custom Response" with a status code like 403 and apply the rule to save and enable it. It may be necessary to restart IIS for the changes to take effect.
For more guidance, please refer to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/iis/extensions/url-rewrite-module/request-blocking-rule-template.
This should block any requests to the specified URL. If you encounter any issues, make sure other rules are not conflicting with this one and check the Failed Request Tracing logs for more details.
In addition, here is a case study similar to your needs for your reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/870061/blocking-a-specific-url-using-iis-url-rewrite.
Should you need more help on this, you can feel free to post back.
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Best Wishes,
Alex Zhang