Vulnerabilities on 'Azure Stack HCI' Cluster nodes | Need help
We have a production Azure Stack HCI v22H2 platform that hosts customers’ critical workloads.
We recently received vulnerability scan results for HCI nodes, showing the following vulnerabilities as security threats that we need to remediate ASAP-
- SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32)
- TLS Version 1.0 Protocol Detection
- TLS Version 1.1 Deprecated Protocol
- SMB Signing not required
- ICMP Timestamp Request Remote Date Disclosure
Now we need support from Microsoft on the following for HCI platform-
1. Impact Assessment:
a. What would be the impact of remediating these vulnerabilities on the HCI platform?
b. Could there be any operational issues regarding communication between HCI nodes, Active Directory servers, SCVMM, or Windows Admin Center (WAC)?
c. Are there any other potential issues we should anticipate?
2. Remediation Procedure:
a. Do you recommend any specific procedures for addressing these vulnerabilities on the Azure Stack HCI platform?