I'm trying to use setVerifiedPublisher to set the MPNID on an application via Graph, but am receiving an "UnknownError" in response
Hi All
I'm currently working to create Entra App Registration programmatically (in C# using the Graph SDK), which will need to show as having a verified publisher. Creating the application is obviously quite standard, and I've managed to update the publisher domain by manually creating a Http call in code (as this appears to be missing from the SDK).
I'm now trying to set the MPNID to our company's value, which I've triple checked as valid on the created applications via the portal after the code has failed. I've tried both with the SDK and the manual approach to user setVerifiedPublisher and am getting a 403 forbidden response.
I did wonder whether the issue was with the service principle values I was using to create the ClientSecretCredential so have tried using InteractiveBrowserCredential, logging in with the same account I use for the portal with the same response.
I've monitored the portal's communications to make sure the content and URL I was using were correct and I can't see any difference, in the main substance at least.
To confirm, the response I get is 403, Forbidden, and an example of the response content is: