Hi Nieman, Josh
Welcome to Microsoft Q&A platform, Thanks for asking question here...!
To resolve the discrepancy between the User Errors in Azure Service Bus metrics and those in Application Insights or Log Analytics, it's important to understand how these metrics are calculated and what they represent.
Understanding User Errors in Azure Service Bus: User Errors in Azure Service Bus occur when requests are not processed due to client-side issues, such as invalid message formats or missing required properties. Examples include exceptions like MessageLockLostException and HeaderSizeExceeded.
Namespace vs. Topic Metrics: The 14.29k User Errors labeled as "-NamespaceOnlyMetric-" likely represent errors at the namespace level, affecting multiple topics rather than being tied to individual topics.
Granularity of Metrics: The 134 User Errors for individual topics may not capture all errors occurring at the namespace level, especially if they are related to configuration or operational limits affecting the entire namespace.
To gain more insight into these User Errors, consider running queries in Azure Monitor or Log Analytics that specifically filter for user error types.
You can use Kusto Query Language (KQL) within Azure Monitor or Log Analytics to explore user errors in detail. An example query might look like this:
| where ResourceType == "SERVICEBUSNAMESPACES"
| where OperationName == "UserErrors"
| summarize Count = count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h)
| order by TimeGenerated desc
You can also filter for specific exception types that may be contributing to the high user error count. For instance:
| where ResourceType == "SERVICEBUSNAMESPACES"
| where ExceptionType in ("MessageLockLostException", "HeaderSizeExceeded", "TTLExpiredException")
| summarize Count = count() by ExceptionType
For Reference: https://turbo360.com/blog/azure-service-bus-exception-handling-using-turbo360 https://particular.net/webinars/deep-dive-into-azure-service-bus-messaging
Please let us know, If you required anything.