We are glad to hear that this issue has been resolved. Thanks for sharing the solution here and your great contribution to our community. As we have a policy that the user cannot accept the answer by themselves as the answer, I would make a brief summary here and you can accept this answer to help us archive this issue so that others who stuck in similar issues could get answered quickly.
[Issue symptoms]:
Receiving a 400 error when creating list item which contains a choice field using graph API:
"fields": {
"Title": "Test2",
"ColumnLayout": "One column",
"Tags": {
"Tags@odata.type": "Collection(Edm.String)",
"MasterLayout": "Politique"
In the json I was wrapping the tags while not needed.
"fields": {
"Title": "Test2",
"ColumnLayout": "One column",
"Tags@odata.type": "Collection(Edm.String)",
"MasterLayout": "Politique"
Have a good day!