Hi Michael Schmidt,
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In Azure Machine Learning, it is recommended to label at least 10-15 samples per label to prepare a dataset effectively for initial training. The more diverse and numerous the labeled samples, the better the model will perform. For training the model, a larger dataset is necessary, with at least 50 labeled images per class to ensure robust performance, especially for complex tasks. For more info, please refer the document Labeling images and text documents - Azure Machine Learning.
For object detection tasks, the requirement is typically higher. More labeled images are needed to achieve good accuracy, especially if the objects vary significantly in appearance, size, or context. This ensures that the model can effectively identify and localize objects across different scenarios.
There is also a distinction between image classification and object detection. Image classification assigns a single label to the entire image, identifying the main subject (e.g., labeling an image as "cat"). In contrast, object detection identifies and locates multiple objects within the same image, providing class labels and bounding boxes. For instance, in a street scene, object detection can identify and locate objects such as "car," "pedestrian," and "traffic light." This distinction often requires more labeled images for object detection due to its complexity.
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