I have automation set up in 2 different tenant, both are for database scale up and scale down i.e. between S2 and S4 which is scheduled at 7 AM to scale up and 7 PM to scale down., but still the execution time is very different for both of them, 1 takes 2-5 mins which also includes app service plan scale up/down but the other takes 15 mins to only scale up/down the database. This becomes the reason my cost also increases.
Also I am only using automation service to scale up or scale down and nothing else, powershell is used, and usually job runtime is less than 500 mins but still i am getting charged for automation service, currently for NOV period its almost INR. 40 only for database scale up and down.
whereas, DB + App service scaled up and scale down took only INR 11 up till now for the NOV period.
I really didn't understand Y am i being charged as i have only 2 runbooks in each tenant and 2 schedules.
how can i reduce or not get charged for automating scale up and down process?