I get a License exception in OWA, When opening a Microsoft encrypted email in outlook desktop, when it opens the message in OWA for security.
I have verified/corrected outlook desktop and edge are logged into the correct/same Microsoft account, I already have another tab in edge (same when in chrome browser) logged into the correct/same OWA account. I also cleared edge's cache, rebooted, etc.
I get the following license error in edge: "Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa2.Server.Core.OwaUserHasNoMailboxAndNoLicenseAssignedException"
The user has separate Microsoft accounts for 365 and mail which is where I believe where the issue lies.
Outlook desktop, edge and OWA are logged into the same account for mail. but Outlook and edge were logged into the incorrect account when the email was downloaded.
Outlook still shows 2 Microsoft accounts under office account , but is logged into the correct mail/outlook account
I can log into OWA, and open the encrypted email without issue, the issue is only using outlook desktop to open the encrypted message, which in turns tries to open the message in OWA, and the license exception.
1.) I updated Outlook (office) - saw no change - still throwing no license error in owa
2.) I made a test Profile - saw no change - still throwing no license error in owa
Any thoughts on how to fix this?
I am fairly confident outlook is trying to open the message under the wrong account, the one that does not have an exchange account associated with it.