Hi @sam
Welcome to Microsoft Q&A, thanks for posting your query.
Azure Blob Storage is a secure and reliable way to store your files, including those for your chatbot. Microsoft takes security and privacy very seriously and has implemented a number of measures to ensure safety and provides security for your data.
Azure Blob Storage provides encryption for your data, which means that your data is encrypted while it is stored in Azure. Additionally, Azure Blob Storage supports encryption in transit, which means that your data is encrypted while it is being transferred to and from Azure.
Azure Blob Storage provides a number of security features that allow you to control access to your data. You can use Shared Access Signatures (SAS) to grant time-limited access to your data to specific users or applications.
Microsoft has implemented a number of compliance certifications and standards for Azure Blob Storage, including ISO 27001, SOC 1 and SOC 2, and HIPAA. These certifications and standards ensure that Azure Blob Storage meets strict security and privacy requirements.
Azure Storage compliance offerings | Microsoft Learn
Microsoft has a strict privacy policy that governs how your data is collected, used, and shared. You can read more about Microsoft's privacy policy https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/privacystatement.
Azure Storage encryption is enabled for all storage accounts, including both Resource Manager and classic storage accounts. Azure Storage encryption cannot be disabled. Because your data is secured by default, you don't need to modify your code or applications to take advantage of Azure Storage encryption.
Every block blob, append blob, or page blob in Azure Storage is encrypted with Azure Storage encryption.
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