Update device app management mobile ios
Tommy Le
Reputation points
Attempting to make an http call to update an ios lob app to intune. App registration has the appropriate permissions. When making the call, the error is
{ "_version": 3, "Message": "An error has occurred - Operation ID (for customer support):
| 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 - Activity ID: 1e4adc3d-7d39-4541-a477-da56d615205a - Url:
| https://fef.msua05.manage.microsoft.com/AppLifecycle_2411/StatelessAppMetadataFEService/deviceAppManagement/mobileApps('xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx')?api-version=2024-09-06", "CustomApiErrorPhrase": "", "RetryAfter": null, "ErrorSourceService": "", "HttpHeaders": "{}" }
```What do this error mean? I've tried using Azure Monitor and looked through IntuneAuditLogs but nothing helpful. Has anyone come across this?
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