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This warning means the backup extension doesn't have permission to use the storage account for saving backups. You've mentioned that you've already fixed this issue by adding the trustedAccessRoleBindings resource, which is great.
To fix the warning, you need to give the backup extension the right permissions to access the storage account. You can do this by adding a role in your Bicep template.
Add this to your Bicep file to give the backup extension's MSI the Storage Blob Data Contributor role:
resource storageAccountRoleAssignment 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments@2022-04-01' = {
name: newGuid() // Generate a new GUID for the role assignment
scope: storageAccount // The scope is set to the storage account
properties: {
principalId: backupExtension.identity.principalId // Reference the principal ID of the backup extension
roleDefinitionId: resourceId('Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions', 'b9d3b4c5-8e3b-4f54-bc5f-5f9d5b1e7a9e') // Storage Blob Data Contributor role ID
If you have any further queries, do let us know.
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