Unable to delete subnet due to serviceAssociationLinks to DevopsInfrastructurePool
I created a subnet with the delegation "Microsoft.DevOpsInfrastructure/pool" and then tried to create a "DevOps Pool," which failed with an error message. Now, my subnet still has an association with that failed resource, which I cannot see anywhere in Azure. name of the devops pool: "dip-hub-co-gl-private-pool"
Failed to save subnet 'devopsinfra-pool-subnet'. Error: 'Subnet /subscriptions/0000/resourceGroups/rg-global-hub/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-global-hub/subnets/devopsinfra-pool-subnet requires any of the following delegation(s) [Microsoft.DevOpsInfrastructure/pools] to reference service association link /subscriptions/0000/resourceGroups/rg-global-hub/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-global-hub/subnets/devopsinfra-pool-subnet/serviceAssociationLinks/dip-hub-co-gl-private-pool.'
I tried to delete serviceAssociationLinks by getting token from management.azure.com
az account get-access-token --resource https://management.azure.com/
and running DELETE method on endpoint
It failed with error
{ "error": { "code": "UnauthorizedClientApplication", "message": "Unauthorized client application id XXXXX.", "details": [] } }