Hello @@Stefano Bianchessi,
Microsoft Teams does not provide an API or method to directly retrieve the live audio or video content of a video call made through its platform.
Microsoft prioritizes security and privacy, and as a result, the raw media streams (audio and video) of a Teams call are not exposed via their public APIs.
While you can't access live media streams from an ongoing call, Teams does allow for recording meetings, and these recordings can be retrieved after the call ends, if the meeting was recorded. The recording will include both audio and video content from the meeting.
You can use the GET meetings/recording
API to retrieve the list of recordings for a meeting. This API allows you to get details such as the recording URL, duration, and timestamp.
Here is an example of an API request to retrieve the recording of a Microsoft Teams meeting using the Microsoft Graph API:
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/onlineMeetings/{meetingId}/recording
Authorization: Bearer {token}
In this request:
- Replace
with the actual ID of the meeting you want to retrieve the recording for. - Replace
with your access token.
Document link-https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/onlinemeeting-list-recordings?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http