@Vijayalakshmi Natarajan Greetings!
This is from the document: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-for-startups/benefits/support
As a member of Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub you have direct access to Technical Guidance and Support Services to help you during your startup journey. The support benefits available to you depend upon your current Azure credit offer amount.
Azure Pairing sessions offer one on one technical guidance ranging from Getting Started on Azure, Azure Optimization consultations, to four-hour architectural design reviews.
Expert Network gives you access to business and technology professionals who can help you brainstorm new ideas, fine tune a presentation, or help align areas of focus. Grow your network of experts to call on when you need advice or direction.
Azure Technical Support and Microsoft Q&A are your go-to sources to troubleshoot technical issues within Azure. Use these resources when you’re in need of break/fix support or have specific questions about Azure.
To answer your question specific to Azure support plans: Some Azure credit offers include an Azure Support plan like Standard or ProDirect Support.
Recommend you watch this video - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-for-startups/benefits/support#video-technical-guidance--support to gain better clarity on the support offered.
Hope this helps. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions.
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