Azure ExpressRoute weight vs. as-prepend? What causes as-prepend to be priority?
We have 2 main Azure regions, CUS and EU2. We also have 2 physical DC with 10G ExpressRoutes that are connected by 10G dedicated circuits all routing via iBGP.
I have just fixed my internal iBGP routing to Azure by assigning local preferences derived from the BGP communities assigned in Azure for each region. So, my routing to Azure is correct buy region from each of my DCs. CUS from my Massachusetts DC and EU2 via my Ashburn DC.
I have also prepended another AS from each DC to Azure for the networks that are local to the DC as advertised to Azure. This way Azure should see the routes local to the DCs as a lower cost than the "backup" route and route accordingly.
My problem is that I have already assigned weights in Azure for each of these ExpressRoutes. As I understand: Weights are preferred over as-path. Does this also include when the weights are of equal cost or only if they are left are the default which I believe is 100. I am looking to set the ER weights equal and then have the as-prepend be the discriminator for which ER is used for which received routes.
So when does the prepend take over from ER weight as a routing determinator?