Hi, you can see VMs if they are Azure or Hybrid using Azure Resource Graph (you can run the KQL for each from within Sentinel). This wont tell you if they are reported on in Sentinel or not.
// Azure VMs
arg('').Resources | where type == "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines"
| extend vmState = tostring(properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.displayStatus)
| extend vmState = iif(isempty(vmState), "VM State Unknown", (vmState))
| summarize count(), VMnames=array_sort_asc(make_set(name)) by vmState
// Hybrid VMs
arg('').Resources | where type == "microsoft.hybridcompute/machines"
| project MachineId=id, status = properties.status,
LastSeen = properties.lastStatusChange,
FQDN = properties.machineFqdn,
OS = properties.osName,
ServerVersion = properties.osVersion
You can then compare those names with the VMs found in the SecurityIncident , SecurityAlert or relevant Tables
An example using HeartBeat table
let AzureVMlist =
arg('').Resources | where type == "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines"
| extend vmState = tostring(properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.displayStatus)
| extend vmState = iif(isempty(vmState), "VM State Unknown", (vmState))
| where vmState =="VM running"
| distinct name;
| where Computer in (AzureVMlist)
| summarize count() by Computer, Category
Source: There are good reports on Azure resources here: https://www.cloudsma.com/2020/10/ultimate-azure-inventory-dashboard/#:~:text=With%20Compute,%20we%20get%20a%20breakdown%20of%20Azure