.NET MAUI app crashing on startup, apparently with an error in DirectUI::PointerAnimationUsingKeyFrames
I am an app developer, working with .NET MAUI.
I have a .NET MAUI app published in the store, at **ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=9WZDNCRFJ43B **which, for some users, is consistently crashing during startup, apparently in a call to ctl::ComObjectDirectUI::PointerAnimationUsingKeyFrames::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(const _GUID &, void * *). There are many crash reports in the Partner Center/Health reports list, and I can also provide a DMP file, which a user has sent me. I cannot reproduce this error on my test/development setup, but it is impacting a significant number of users. I note that error reports are coming from various different processor architectures and different versions of Windows.
Please advise regarding what changes I might make in my code, or build options, in order to address this issue.
Here is an extract of the stack trace from the DMP file that I mentioned:
coreclr.dll!EEPolicy::HandleFatalError(unsigned int exitCode, unsigned __int64 address, const wchar_t * pszMessage, _EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionInfo, const wchar_t * errorSource, const wchar_t * argExceptionString) Line 777 C++ coreclr.dll!ProcessCLRException(_EXCEPTION_RECORD * pExceptionRecord, void * pEstablisherFrame, _CONTEXT * pContextRecord, _DISPATCHER_CONTEXT * pDispatcherContext) Line 1066 C++
[External Code] Microsoft.ui.xaml.dll!DirectUI::Window::QueryInterfaceImpl(const _GUID & iid, void * * ppObject) Line 811 C++
[External Code] Microsoft.ui.xaml.dll!ctl::ComObjectDirectUI::PointerAnimationUsingKeyFrames::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(const _GUID & iid, void * * ppValue) Line 30 C++
If you need further information, please let me know.