Need to get the client IP's which is connecting the service bus so that I can whitelist that IP
Hi Team,
I am looking into whitelisting the source IP's which is connecting my service Bus. For that I had enabled diagnostics in my service bus .But when i pull the logs from azure diagnostics table it shows the caller_ip address as blank and all IP address related field as blank.
My serivce bus is standard tier and I am trying to whitlist the IP's from AKS cluster.But need to know the IP address
I am trying to whitelist the IP's using the below commands
az servicebus namespace network-rule-set update --namespace-name <sbname> --resource-group <rgname> --default-action Deny --enable-trusted-service-access true --public-network-access Enabled
az servicebus namespace network-rule-set ip-rule add --resource-group <rgname> --namespace-name <sbname> --ip-rule ip-address=xxxx/32 action=Allow
But need to find the source IP's using the diagnostics logs .