Cross Tenant Network integration over Azure VWAN in same Azure region
I have Two azure tenants in same azure region. In both the tenants I have a dedicated Azure VWAN with one hub in it. I am trying to connect this two hubs across tenant so resources under both hub's spoke can talk to each other. We found that Azure Virtual WAN doesn’t support direct cross tenant integration, in that case we are looking for a right solution to achieve this integration. Below are the options we are thinking, kindly give a detailed guidance to enable one of these solutions.
Option A(Preferred) : VM-A have to connect with VM-B over direct VWAN integration across tenant.
Option B: VM-A have to connect with VM-B over direct VWAN integration across tenant through VPN.
Option C: VM-A have to connect with VM-B using Cross tenant VWAN-to-Vnet integration, where we need clarity on routing requirements.