Hello Mateusz Leszek,
Welcome to the Microsoft Q&A and thank you for posting your questions here.
I understand that you are facing Issues with Custom GenAI Extraction Projects.
To address the "DocumentFileNotFound" issue in Azure AI Studio's Custom GenAI Extraction Projects, first verify the storage account by listing blobs to ensure the documents exist using the command: az storage blob list --account-name <your-storage-account-name> --container-name <your-container-name> --output table
Secondly, check project settings to confirm the correct storage configuration and ensure no access keys or paths have changed. If frequent 429 errors occur, temporarily upgrade to a higher pricing tier to mitigate rate limit issues.
Use Azure Monitor to inspect logs for operation failures during document uploads. If documents disappear after auto-labeling, validate the associated Cognitive Service instance using az cognitiveservices account list --query "[?contains(sku.name, 'AI')]" --output table
Since the feature is in preview, unresolved issues may require Azure Support, providing project IDs and error logs for further investigation. Regularly back up labeled documents to prevent data loss.
For further reading, try to check the Azure CLI documentation and Azure AI Studio troubleshooting guides from these references:
- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/storage/blob
- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/cognitive-services-pricing-tier
- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/logs/log-query-overview
- https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/support/options
I hope this is helpful! Do not hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions.
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