Is Azure out of capacity for app service plans across multiple regions?
Over the past five years, we've been able to scale an app service plan up and down based on usage. About a month ago, we received the error "This region has a quota of 0 instances for your subscription" when trying to scale the app service plan up to the Standard small SKU in the North Central US region. In the app service, we examined "Diagnose and solve problems" -> "Configuration and Management" -> "Check VM Quota" and received the message "There are no quotas set for the subscription in region NCUS at this time."
Attempting to create a new app service plan resulted in the same error. We cycled through every paid SKU, trying to create a new app service plan with each one, and encountered the same error every time. We tried creating new app service plans in the South Central US, West Central US, and West US 3 and encountered the same error every time, regardless of the SKU we used.
I opened a support ticket and have been working with a support engineer over the past week. They have explained that there have been capacity constraints in various regions due to high demand. In these cases, new app service plans cannot be created in those regions.
The responses we have received from the support engineer indicate that Azure is out of capacity across multiple regions and has been for at least a month. Given that an essential aspect of the Cloud is the ability to scale resources up and out as needed, the inability to do so on Azure is concerning.
Are others running into this same issue?
Walter G