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It seems that there was an error while installing the SqlIaasExtension on your virtual machine. The error message suggests that you should completely uninstall and reinstall the extension.
Here are some steps you can take to resolve this:
1.Check Existing Extensions on the VM:
If you can’t see any extensions in the Azure portal, the extension might not have installed correctly or could be stuck in a bad state. Here’s how to check:
- Go to the Azure Portal:
- Navigate to Virtual Machines.
- Select the VM where you're trying to install the SQL IaaS extension.
- In the left-hand pane, under Settings, select Extensions + applications.
If you don't see any extensions listed there, it's possible that the extension didn't install properly.
2.Uninstall and Reinstall the Extension:
Since the error message suggests uninstalling and reinstalling the extension, you can try this using Azure CLI or PowerShell.
Azure CLI:
az vm extension delete --resource-group <your-resource-group> --vm-name <your-vm-name> --name SqlIaasExtension
az vm extension set --resource-group <your-resource-group> --vm-name <your-vm-name> --name SqlIaasExtension --publisher Microsoft.SqlServer.Management
Remove-AzVMExtension -ResourceGroupName <your-resource-group> -VMName <your-vm-name> -Name SqlIaasExtension
Set-AzVMExtension -ResourceGroupName <your-resource-group> -VMName <your-vm-name> -Name SqlIaasExtension -Publisher Microsoft.SqlServer.Management -TypeHandlerVersion 1.2
3.Check VM Compatibility:
Ensure the VM supports SQL Server IaaS extensions.
Use a VM size that works for SQL Server.
Make sure the OS matches the SQL Server version you're using.
4.Check Network and Resource Group:
Verify the VM’s network settings (no firewall issues).
Confirm the resource group and location are correct.
5.Redeploy the VM:
If the issue persists, try redeploying the VM. This can sometimes resolve intermittent issues.
For more information, please refer the documents:
Hope this helps. Do let us know if you any further queries.
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