How can I make some fields required with social media like X (twitter) or google using Azure b2c custom policies
How can I make some fields required with social media like X (twitter) or google using Azure b2c custom policies?
Hello, I have this problem:
For example I have <InputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="legalCountry" Required="true" /> like custom fields and I made it like required with my local sign-in/sign-up without any problem, but with the social media this is not working.
The worst is that the default fields those are required by default with local account sing-in sign-up custom policies, with google social media there are not working.
I tried to put the required field with the tag InputClaim inside the <TechnicalProfile Id="Google-OAuth2">, but this is still not working with the social for some reason.
I used this page to reference how to create a Google aplication and all is working fine except the required fields:
I appreciate your help.
Best regards,