How to get Chat ID from Teams Chat UI?
The reference link Here,
I have tried to use one to one chat and extracted manually from Teams Chat UI.
By clicking on any chat and navigate to three dots and copying the link and from link i m extracting
kind of this :
**(Single chat with others)Chat ID:**19:15a60394-4901-4113-903e-31ae6e0b5e7b_6366208d-41b6-4a76-a5d8-f69b5f8ce092@unq.gbl.spaces
(Meeting Group chat)Chat ID:19:meeting_NGIyODgzMWItMTNjNy00ZGZlLTk4ZjMtZTY0NmFkZWVlMGY3@thread.v2
I tried both of them
Graph API:
GET beta/users/{user_ID}/chats/{chat-id}
GET /chats/{chat-id}
but facing error:
How will i get valid Chat ID?
please assist me!!!