Thanks for replying Galati, Domenic-GALATD4
The resource types that you need to whitelist in Azure Policy depend on the specific features and settings that you want to enable for your AKS managed cluster.
The resource type 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/autoUpgradeProfiles' is used to configure the auto-upgrade settings for an AKS managed cluster. This resource type is required if you want to enable the AKS managed cluster auto-upgrade feature.
The resource types 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/maintenanceConfigurations/aksManagedAutoUpgradeSchedule' and 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/maintenanceConfigurations/aksManagedNodeOSUpgradeSchedule' are used to configure the maintenance window and upgrade settings for an AKS managed cluster. These resource types are required if you want to enable the AKS managed cluster maintenance feature.
If you want to enable both the auto-upgrade and maintenance features for your AKS managed cluster, you need to whitelist all three resource types. If you only want to enable the auto-upgrade feature, you only need to whitelist the 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/autoUpgradeProfiles' resource type.
Finally, the resource types that you need to whitelist in Azure Policy depend on the specific features and settings that you want to enable for your AKS managed cluster. You can whitelist all three resource types if you want to enable both the auto-upgrade and maintenance features, or you can whitelist only the 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/autoUpgradeProfiles' resource type if you only want to enable the auto-upgrade feature.
If you required anything, please let me.
Thank you!