Hi Rakesh Indana,
Welcome to Microsoft Q&A Forum, thank you for posting your query here!
You can send Exceptions via Alerts (Action Group) or else you can send it via logic app as well.
Below are the possible seniors we can choose out of the other
Use Azure Alerts for straightforward notifications on system metrics or resource health without complex workflows, like emails or SMS alerts based on threshold breaches
Choose Logic Apps for advanced, multi-step workflows or integrations, where alerts need to trigger complex automation across multiple systems or include conditional logic
Note: Go App Insights-> Alerts->Action Group->Exceptions->Webhook URL This is easy and straight forward below are the steps provide for your reference
Here’s how you can do it using Azure Monitor and Action Groups:
- Create an Alert Rule in Application Insights:
- Go to your Application Insights resource in the Azure portal.
- Navigate to Alerts and create a new alert rule.
- Configure the alert condition to trigger on exceptions.
- Create an Action Group:
- As part of the alert rule configuration, create an Action Group.
- Add an action to send an email or use a webhook to notify the recipient.
- Send Transaction Link in Alert:
- Configure the email or webhook payload to include the relevant transaction information. Unfortunately, there is no direct way to include the “Copy link” URL from the GUI, but you can include details such as operation ID, timestamp, and other context information that can help locate the transaction. Reference document: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/alerts/alerts-overview With these steps, you should be able to send the transaction search exceptions via alerts. Hope this helps!
Please let us know if you have any further queries. I’m happy to assist you further.
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