We have a Conditiona Policy to require Compliant Device to access any data/app in MIcrosoft 365 cloud service. We have Microsoft 365 Business Premium licenses.
We have a need to allow Guest users to access Teams teams, they are invited to. For this, we need to change our Conditional Access Policies. We would need to allow only needed apps/services in Conditional Access Policies but problem is to find the correct ones.
I started by allowing guests to access "Office 365" app. According to
doc, allowing "Office 365" app, I allow many other apps that are not required to access Teams team, at least what I have understood.
But allowing guests to access "Office 365" app without Compliant Device requirement, is not enough. When I check Sign-in logs in Entra for some guest account, I can see that guests have problem of accessing Microsoft App Access Panel -application / Windows Azure Active Directory -resource. What I have understood, guests need access to this app/resource to set 2FA.
Problem here is that I can't allow guests access these app/resource because I can't add these to the Conditional Access Policy. These are not found when I try to add these to "Target Resources" of the policy by searching with "Microsoft" or "Microsoft App" or "Windows" or "Windows Azure" and so on so that I could exclude these from the Compliant Device requirement.
In other words, I need to allow guests to access all Microsoft 365 cloud apps and all resources in Microsoft 365 cloud just to get guests to be able to access Teams team, where they are invited to.
Is this really the situation or am I missing something? How this situation should be handled?