Welcome to Microsoft Q&A Platform. Thank you for reaching out & hope you are doing well.
I'm glad that you were able to resolve your issue and thank you for posting your solution so that others experiencing the same thing can easily reference this! Since the Microsoft Q&A community has a policy that "The question author cannot accept their own answer. They can only accept answers by others ", I'll repost your solution in case you'd like to "Accept " the answer.
Issue: Site to Site VPN Connection, we are seeing connection status: Unknown.
Solution: As i mentioned created the necessary resources that is used for setup the connection:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/vpn-gateway/tutorial-site-to-site-portal
Secondly, configured everything as per the Client's Network and troubleshoot it through VPN troubleshoot capture (Health check) and then resolve the issue.
Thirdly we should download the configuration file from the Connections and send to Client so that they will not misconfigure the Routes and Policy.
I have followed above points and able to connect successfully within the Client Network.
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