Hi @Nikhil Verma,
Any precise Az CLI command example can be shared which I can try in our environment?
Here’s an example of a precise Azure CLI command for cross-subscription restore:
az backup recoveryconfig show --resource-group <source-resource-group> --vault-name <vault-name> --container-name <container-name> --item-name <item-name> --restore-mode AlternateWorkloadRestore --rp-name <restore-point-name> --target-container-name <target-container-name> --target-item-name <target-item-name> --target-resource-group <target-resource-group> --target-server-name <target-server-name> --target-server-type SQLInstance --target-subscription-id <target-subscription-id> --target-vault-name <target-vault-name> --workload-type SQLDataBase
Running the command with the --debug flag can provide more detailed error messages, which might help you identify the issue. To do this, simply add the --debug flag to the end of your command:
az backup recoveryconfig show --resource-group <resource_group_name> --vault-name <vault_name> ... --debug
For more information, please refer the document: Cross Subscription Restore.
Hope this helps. Do let us know if you any further queries.If this answers your query, do click Accept Answer
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