I have a simple azure sql server database that I can no longer connect to in Azure Data Studio. When I try to connect via SQL server login, the Create a Firewall Rule screen appears. When I select either "add my client IP" or "add my subnet IP range" I get this error message:
Error: invalid_grant occurred when acquiring token. 9002313 - [2024-09-26 20:44:30Z]: AADSTS9002313: Invalid request. Request is malformed or invalid. Trace ID: 3b9e2e71-98ac-436a-970a-65a7a1835700 Correlation ID: 1a667cea-cbb0-4313-acdd-21236f26882c Timestamp: 2024-09-26 20:44:30Z - Correlation ID: 1a667cea-cbb0-4313-acdd-21236f26882c - Trace ID: 3b9e2e71-98ac-436a-970a-65a7a1835700
I am using the correct credential. I can connect to the database's IP on port 1433. My computer is on the same time zone as the server (east US).