Hi jose Guerrero,
Welcome to the Microsoft Q&A Platform! Thank you for asking your question here.
To obtain the IP or FQDN for your Azure container running the Node-RED application, please follow these troubleshooting steps.
- Check the Container Status make sure the container is running. You can do this from the Azure Portal or by using the Azure CLI:
az container show --resource-group <your-resource-group> --name <your-container-name> --query "{IP:ipAddress.ip, FQDN:ipAddress.fqdn}" --output table
- When creating or recreating the container, make sure it has a public IP and a DNS name label. This is essential for accessing it externally. You can specify the DNS name label when creating the container like this:
az container create \
--resource-group <your-resource-group> \
--name <your-container-name> \
--image <your-image> \
--dns-name-label <your-dns-label> \
--ports 1880
The DNS label must be globally unique, and once it's added, you can access the container at `http://<your-dns-label>.<region>.azurecontainer.io`.
- If you deployed the container into a Virtual Network (VNet), it might only have a private IP, meaning it’s not accessible externally. Ensure that the container is set up for public access if needed.
- When you delete a container, its public IP and DNS label may be released. Make sure to reconfigure them when recreating the container.
For more information, please refer to this document: Deploy a container group with custom DNS settings, Networking in Azure Container Apps environment. Create a container image for deployment to Azure Container Instances.
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